Total Family
Health Care

“Dr. Carey Pays Attention to Your Specific Needs,” 


Welcome To Better Health Through Chiropractic

Your journey with us will start with your warm reception from our office manager, Debbie, followed by checking of your vitals with our gregarious CA, Maria. You will then have a sit down talk with Dr. Carey with focused attention to your reason for seeking our care. Dr. Carey welcomes any previous diagnostics* you can bring to help in her diagnosis. She will then perform pertinent physical, neurological, orthopedic and postural/chiropractic exams (wear your good underwear, you will be in a gown).

*Further diagnostics/imaging may be ordered on your first visit, if Dr. Carey deems it necessary. 

We follow current CDC COVID Guidelines & Keep a Very Clean Office Environment.

Our Services

Chiropractic Care

Complete chiropractic care that treats the whole person.


Improve circulation, relax muscles & release your body’s natural pain blockers with physiotherapy.

Dry Needling

Dry Needling utilizes your body’s Myofascial triggers points to bring you relief.

Extremity Adjustments

Let us restore the joint alignment in your extremities for improved range of motion.

Red Light Therapy

Dry Needling utilizes your body’s Myofascial triggers points to bring you relief.

& More

We also offer orthotics, nutritional support, supplements, biofreeze and more.

Chiropractic is All-Inclusive. We Treat the Whole Person. 

We do so through the art of chiropractic, which is the adjustment and use compliments such as physiotherapy and nutrition. 

The Chiropractic adjustment is unique to our profession. This technique requires years of training and involves specificity in treating the spine and extremities. Chiropractic means “by hand” and addresses misalignments/ lack of motion. This treatment is tempered in my office, depending on the patient. An infant, osteoporotic patient or a patient that has had previous spinal/surgery or joint replacement will be treated much differently than other patients.